Kids & Teens Yoga & Meditation Classes


Would your playgroup, centre or school benefit from an engaging and educating yoga class?

The classes that I teach are a blend of story-telling, creative movement, yoga poses, calm breathing and relaxation techniques.

It is my aim to work closely with parents, centres and educators to bring out the best in children. By nurturing their innate wisdom and allowing them notice their own feelings and emotions, I support emotional regulation through a genuine, secure attachment.


I offer classes for the following groups:

  • playgroups, day care/ early learning (age 2- preschool)

  • school holiday workshops

  • school (as part of the curriculum)

  • online classes for home learning 

  • private sessions (in person, in Brisbane’s South East, or online)

Yoga offers so many benefits for children including:

Physical: Improves sleep quality and the ability to relax.

Mental: Stimulates both sides of the brain which balances the cognitive and creative.

Emotional: Accepts all emotions; channels powerful emotions into positive responses.

Social: Provides a sense of belonging.

Classes are tailored to meet your interests and experience level.

If your centre/school is out of my service area or availability, I have access to a network of highly skilled and talented kids yoga teachers. All teachers have a blue card, first aid certificate, insurance and relevant qualifications.

Green Yoga mat with yoga bear and meditation singing bowl


Day care & Early Learning

age 2- preschool

Playgroups, Day care & Early Learning

age 2- preschool

Programs to suit:

  • the different ages of children

  • group size

  • curriculum strand / themes in the centre

  • weekly program or one off class

Let’s include the whole centre:

  • 15 min classes with ages 2-3

  • 20 min class with ages 3-4

  • 30 min class with ages 4-5


Costs: range from $90 - $180 depending on location, duration, mats, class sizes


Weekly, fortnightly or one off sessions available.

Contact me to discuss your requirements. I look forward to working with you.

Kids Yoga Props and Meditation singing bowls, outdoors

School Holiday Workshops

Engaging topics to entertain and educate your child or teen.

School Holiday Workshops

Yoga and/or Meditation Workshops ranging from 1.5 - 3 Hours.

Please join my mailing list to be informed of upcoming sessions.

None currently scheduled. Please see Free Yoga & Meditation for classes sponsored by the Brisbane City Council.

Meditation breathing ball in a garden



as part of the curriculum

School & Out of School Hours Care

Programs to suit:

  • the age of students

  • group size

  • curriculum strand / made relevant to a subject 

  • term program or one off class

Costs: from $90 - $180 depending on location, duration, mats, class size

Weekly, fortnightly or one off sessions available.

Contact me to discuss your school’s, or out of school hours care providers requirements.

I look forward to working with you.

Green yoga mat and props for restorative yoga class

Online Classes

Interactive classes

Online Classes

Online classes for home learning, available for individuals or small groups.

Contact me directly for more information regarding options.

Nature Mandala on yoga mat for outdoor yoga class

Private Sessions

in person, in Brisbane’s South East or online

Private Sessions

If a group class isn't suitable for your child, or if they would benefit from an individualised program to suit their needs, then you can consider a private lesson, sibling or family class.

Sessions are available in person, or online.

Contact me directly for more information regarding options.


Contact Marjorie

Welcome to Embody Hope and Joy.

Contact me if you have any questions about yoga classes for kids and teens.

I can’t wait to connect with you.

Marjorie Gardiner