Relaxation tools for kids & teens
My mission is to help kids and teens create a meditation and self-care practice they can fall in love with and make time for.
Meditation and Calming techniques offers so many benefits for families including:
Physical: Improves sleep quality and the ability to relax.
Mental: Stimulates both sides of the brain which balances the cognitive and creative.
Emotional: Accepts all emotions; channels powerful emotions into positive responses.
Social: Provides a sense of belonging.
My offerings include:
Private Meditation Coaching for Adults
Private sessions, Calm Coach for Kids & Teens
Workshops and Retreats
Yoga classes for Kids, teens and family classes
Free Yoga & Meditation Group Classes - Sponsored by the Brisbane City Council
Each session is tailored to meet your needs, interests and experience levels.
Restorative yoga class for adults or a fun playful class for children, there is a option for you and your family.
Private mediation sessions are a great way to develop a mediation practices you will make time for. Use these sessions to support a regular practice, with an “accountability buddy”.
Calm Coach
Do you have a child or young person who would benefit from some effective tools to reduce stress and anxiety?
Find out more about the 1 to 1 sessions, workshops and the Kindy and School Resident Calm Coach Programme.
Check out the latest offerings; workshops, school holiday programs and retreats.
Where possible, classes are held outside to encourage children to connect with nature.
Marjorie Gardiner
Creator of Embody Hope & Joy
Meditation Teacher
Yoga Teacher
Calm Coach
I have fallen in love with meditation and I hope to help you create a meditation practice you can fall in love with and make time for.
I am passionate about helping you feel safe in you body by guiding & supporting a deeply nourishing meditation practice.
A certified Yoga teacher, Kids Yoga teacher and Meditation Coach, I bring a unique approach to embodiment of meditation practice through inviting movement, self-exploration and acceptance.
I hope to support you to discover and Embody Hope & Joy
Book a Private Meditation Coach Session to deepen and enhance your practices.